said to someone recently that I had wanted independence for Scotland since I
was an eleven year old. He was bemused to say the least. Let me explain.
I was being over-dramatic saying I ‘wanted independence’ but I definitely
became aware of the imbalance of the Union from a child’s point of view.
Sometimes the simple perspective of a child can help even an adult see the wood
from the trees.
was a wee Hearts fan (I liked the name) in 1976 and for the first time in, like
forever ‘my’ team were to contest a Cup Final.
after counting the days down to the 1st May 1976 I was like a kid in
a sweet shop. My team was to be the star of the day; I discounted the fact we
were up against Rangers; being in the Final and getting mentioned on the News
was enough for me.
I sat with my football-hating mum to see and hear about my team getting to the
Final. However, the BBC News that day featured Manchester United v Southampton
in the FA Cup Final. The Scottish Cup Final didn’t get a mention (Why is it the FA Cup & not the English FA Cup
anyway? I guess because the tournament in England is two years older.)
was distraught. My mum assured me that Hearts would get mentioned on the local
News after the national News. ‘But this is the “B” BC News. We’re part of Britain
just as much as England,’ I said. I could see my mum (who was English) struggle
with the simplistic view. ‘Why should the Scottish Cup Final be on local news?
The English Cup Final will be on their local news too so how come our Final isn’t
on the national news?’
my mum relented, ‘you have a point. So why don’t you write to the BBC and tell
them…and you can offer to be their Scottish Football reporter.’ I don’t know if
she said it tongue in cheek or not but write to the BBC I did. I got no
that year something else struck me. ‘How come when we’re on our school summer
holidays we don’t get good telly programmes but when they (I called English
schoolkids they – perhaps the first
recognition of a ‘difference’) are on holiday and we’re still at school they
get all the good cartoons and stuff all day?
in 1979 there was a devolution referendum and a majority of Scots voted ‘Yes’
to devolution. But, Westminster imposed a 40% rule which meant 40% of the registered
electorate had to be achieved by Yes for it to count; this meant that anyone on
the voters roll who did not vote or had even died but was still on the roll
would be counted as a ‘No’. Thus, the majority ‘Yes’ vote was defeated.
need I say more?
became scarce in Scotland and I moved to England for work.
‘differences’ became more pronounced. I had Scottish Pound notes refused in
shops in England and questioned or refused abroad.
I lived in England and could
not read in the ‘national’ newspapers about Celtic or Rangers competing in
Europe. I could tell you who the English cricket team captain was but not the
Scotland football team captain. I rarely saw Scotland games on television.
work I was allowed time off to watch England World Cup or European Championship
games but not any time off to watch Scotland games (that’s even if I could find
anywhere that was showing them – I drove from Oxfordshire and the West Midlands
to Moffat on a few occasions to watch games).
watched the national news interview David Cameron when Tony Blair stepped down
and the conversation veer into ‘too many Scots in Government already’ as Gordon
Brown was mooted as next Prime Minister. I imagined the furore if ‘Scots’ was
substituted with ‘Asians’, ‘Blacks’, or ‘Pakistanis’.
could buy a French newspaper in WH Smith: a German one, Polish, Asian Eye, newspapers
for Africans, Caribbeans, Americans, Canadians, various Italian newspapers and
even papers in Urdhu or Hindi. I couldn’t buy a Scottish one and The Sun,
Telegraph, Daily Mail never reported any Scottish related news (well apart from
a swan in Anstruther that was suspected of having bird flu); they regularly ran
‘whinging Scots’ and ‘Let them eat haggis’-type stories.
'National Newspaper Cartoon'
Black Country-born English wife started out claiming I had a huge chip on my
shoulder but eventually became more infuriated about my ‘perceived injustices’
than I did. She even joined me on a trip to see Scotland play France in Paris
(we lost 5-0) and loved the atmosphere. She didn’t like the anti-English chants
however. But not long after we went to a pub in High Wycombe to watch an
England/Scotland rugby game on the big screen; she begged me to leave such was
the anti-Scottish venom. All that proves is there are good people and bad
would sometimes, in a haze of drink and kilted up, head to the Lozells Inn on
Lozells Road (scene of the famous riots of Lozells/Handsworth in 1985 where two men were left dead
and a police officer shot and wounded) in Birmingham and laugh and joke with
the Jamaicans that I was more foreign than them. They agreed. However, I could
play ‘their’ style of dominoes and not the local ‘five and threes’ style. I was
constantly warned not to go to such a dangerous place at night but I was only
ever welcomed with big smiles; perhaps I was looked at as a novelty?
point is that I have never seen the ‘Union’ as being an equal partnership and I
have never seen my desire for Scottish independence as Anti-English. On the
contrary, I always felt that many Scots used the power of Westminster as a
convenient excuse to blame England for all our woes.
Now we can say YES and
start taking responsibility for ourselves.